The Construct
In the beginning was a fiery sphere. Life evolved for millions of years upon its face; plants, fish, reptiles, and ultimately birds and mammals. Life was flourishing on Earth. People grasped the intricacies of cultivating the land, taming the beasts and using tools. People also learned how to fight wars and fought them vigorously for hundreds and thousands of years. After the biggest one there was peace and with it came technological revolution. People started using machines first only to streamline work but shortly their lives became much dependent on digital devices. Simulation was the symbol of a new era.
The first version of the simulation was titled Construct. People were astounded by all the possibilities this version offered. One could simulate anything connected to our life. Suddenly, the real world seemed tiny and mundane as in Construct an infinite number of worlds vastly superior to the real one was at the tip of people’s fingers. Seven wonders of the real world now stood ashamed in the shadows of magnificent creations of Construct. Gigantic temples reached the artificial skies.
Castles, spaceships and whole cities dominated the virtual landscapes. Construction of these monuments was now effortless, a whole world could be built in a matter of days, not hundreds of years. “Limitation“ was almost an archaic term, everything was possible. Man finally became god. The worlds of Construct were now waiting for their first inhabitants. However, there was one thing that stood in the way of the creators, their own imagination.
Shores of Kezan
Millions of new citizens began to stream into Construct, as the possibilities offered by such worlds were too tempting. There was no need to follow any rules that applied in the real world, no need to obey any states, simply because there was no one to force them or be harmed by their violation. Every world had its own rules, fitting the needs of its creator. The laws of nature no longer applied, not even the most basic ones, such as gravity – there was no need for it. Everyone could float in the air, breathe under water, days and nights could have been endless and the physical space as we know it ceased to exist
In the next version of Construct, there was not even the need to create the worlds, the algorithm simply created them based on sets of random rules and values. Such places were waiting only for their explorers and conquerors to discover the darkest corners of their existence. It was no longer about cities or kingdoms, Construct was capable of creating whole galaxies with myriads of planets and their unimaginable ecosystems. The Earth lost its glance, overshadowed by the endless universe of Construct. The need to protect and preserve our planet was gone, simply because the opportunity to create your own and become its sole ruler made the Earth obsolete.